Career Education Program

The Career Education Program run at Kenwick School is designed to give those students that may have the possibility of future employment the necessary skills to attend work experience and possibly gain meaningful employment when they leave school.

Students’ skills are assessed when they enter the High School and a five year transition plan is drawn up with the parents. Staff and parents set goals that need to be met if the student is going to be able to participate in work experience.

Kenwick School places great importance upon parental involvement in the final years of schooling. Transitioning a student from school to their adult life is a very important part of growing up for people with disabilities and it can be a stressful time for all concerned. At Kenwick School we help to make this transition as smooth as possible.

The Career Education Program also concentrates on the Independent Living Skills and Leisure and Recreation Skills that students will need to possess if they are going to lead successful and fulfilled adult lives. These programs are designed to teach the students social skills, self-care skills, personal management skills and home skills.