Room 2: When I grow up, I want to be?

Wow, what an amazing start to Term 3! The staff and students in Room 2 have loved exploring our new theme – occupations. We read the book ‘When I Grow Up’ and asked the students what they want to be when they grow up: 

Pearl – I want to be a librarian. 

Matty – I want to be an astronaut. 

Zane – I want to be a firefighter. 

Fatima – I want to be a dancer. 

Omar – I want to be a firefighter. 

Ayman – I want to be a performer. 

Room 2 has also been working with our friends in ECC to prepare for our assembly item ‘Fruit Salad’. We have been busy learning all about healthy eating and creating some amazing artwork. We are excited to show you our assembly item!