Room 19: Enjoys cooking

It is great to be back at school for Term 3. We want to welcome Harrison who has made a good start in Room 19 and settled in well with our class routines. This term we will continue our community access programme and visit popular parks and playgrounds in Perth.

We look forward to music and sensory activities with Amity, swimming with Wayne and class cooking on Tuesdays. Just a reminder that the cost for cooking is $ 4 a week or $ 40 for the term. Thank you to those parents who have already paid.

The students continue to inspire us with developing their maturity and increasing their capacity to self-regulate and engage in activities with their classmates. It is great to see Jesse walking to the classroom from the playground with minimal prompting. Kane has been demonstrating how to play safely on the playground and Michael joins in group activities after lunch.  We are very excited about the Mural Project and look forward to meeting therapy dog Nate in week 8. Room 19 wishes you all a great Term Three.