The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is checking in with stakeholders and participants to make sure that they are well supported during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
This email is to provide you with some information on what is being done to ensure you have extra support during this uncertain time .You can find more information on the NDIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and support website, including easy read information.
Priority Home Delivery
- NDIS participants, who are unable to shop in their usual way, can purchase grocery items online to be delivered to their home, with their delivery time prioritised before the general public.
- If you did not receive your code, contact your Local Area Coordinator, ECEI coordinator or call 1800 800 110.
For more information, visit the NDIS website priority home delivery services page
NDIS Plan automatic extensions
- The NDIA is continuing to make sure that your plan is reviewed prior to its normal review date, however to ensure NDIS plans which are not reviewed in time will be automatically be extended by 12 months.
- Your extended plan will have the same core and capacity building budget funding (excluding capital) as your current plan.
- Scheduled plan reviews are still occurring and we will call you to organise a planning meeting at a time that suits you.
- Your planning or plan review meeting will be held over the phone orby email exchange where this is your preference.
- In your scheduled planning meeting, you can talk to us about your support needs and goals.
- If your services and supports needs are likely to be the same over the next two years, we can create a longer plan, up to 24 months.
Flexibility of funding
- NDIS funding in the Core support budget is flexible, so participants can use the overall funding in this budget to purchase the disability-related supports they need.
- Refer to the FAQ’s on the NDIS website for examples on flexible use of supports in the participant’s plan.
- If you have experienced changes to your care or living arrangements, and you are concerned about your funding running your before your plan end date, please contact the NDIS on 1800 800 110. Select option 5 for plan enquiries related to COVID-19.
Where to go to get more help
- We recommend that you contact your MyNDIS Contact <Support Coordinator or Local Area Coordinator> in the first instance, if they haven’t been in touch with you already
- You can find more information on the NDIS Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and support website, including easy read information.
- If you would like to speak to someone from the NDIA about this email, please contact me at or via our National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110.
- If you are concerned about exposure to coronavirus (COVID-19) you are able to contact the Department of Health Coronavirus hotline on 1800 020 080 (24 hours, 7 days) or the National Relay Service on 1300 555 727.
Mental Health Support
- People can now have Medicare rebated telephone session with mental health professionals, providing they meet the telehealth criteria
- Beyond Blue has some advice for people about protecting their mental health during the outbreak.
Head to health
Lifeline 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Kid’s Helpline 1800 55 1800
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Domestic Violence and Personal Crisis
- For those experiencing domestic violence, please contact 1800 RESPECT. Mensline Australia and the Men’s Referral Service also offer support to people using violence
- Lifeline offers personal crisis support services. Call 131 114 at any time
- Kids Helpline is a free service for young people aged 5 to 25. Kids, teens and young adults can call 1800 551 800 at any time.
If you require translation or interpreting services, we recommend you use:
- National Relay Service on 1300 555 727 if you have speech or hearing impairment
- Translating and Interpreting Services for language services.
On behalf of the NDIA, please make sure you are accessing these supports during the COVID-19 crisis if you need to. Of course, if you have any queries relating to your NDIS Plan or arranging a presentation for your organisation, please contact us on 1800 800 110.